Coaching a Founder to Regain Focus and Direction

Author Name: Trevor Parker
Posted On 11 October 2024

Case Study: Coaching a Founder and Triathlete to Regain Focus and Direction Using Mission Focused Leadership

Background: The client, a highly motivated individual balancing leadership responsibilities and his love for triathlon career, themselves increasingly overwhelmed. Managing both professional demands and personal goals had become difficult, leading to a loss of focus, motivation, and balance. The lack of clear structure between their work and personal life, along with unaddressed team performance issues, was affecting both their businesses and personal well-being.


  1. Hectic Schedule: The client was struggling to manage competing priorities in a disorganised way, which left them feeling unproductive and unfocused.
  2. Team Performance Issues: There were team members underperforming or demonstrating negative attitudes, which the client was hesitant to address due to concerns about losing key talent.
  3. Loss of Personal Focus: As a triathlete, personal goals had taken a back seat due to growing work pressure, leaving the client demotivated and burned out.
  4. Blurred Boundaries Between Work and Life: The lack of distinction between work time and personal time meant that they rarely felt mentally recharged or able to fully disconnect from business challenges.

Approach: Mission Focused Leadership and The Time System

To address these issues, I introduced the client to the Mission Focused Leadership framework, and particularly its Time System, which divides a leader’s time into four types of days:

  1. Mission Days: Dedicated to high-level strategy, vision setting, and long-term planning. These days are when leaders focus on mission-critical tasks that push their organisation towards its primary goals.
  2. Operations Days: Days spent managing the daily operations of the business. These are essential for staying connected with the team and handling the key elements of the business that need attention.
  3. Buffer Days: These days allow for managing personal admin, day-to-day tasks, and clearing the mind. They act as a catch-all for handling both personal and professional life’s smaller, yet important, tasks.
  4. Regeneration Days: Completely work-free, regeneration days are for recharging, whether through exercise, hobbies, or family time. These are essential for maintaining physical and mental well-being.

Steps Taken:

  1. Structuring Time for Focus and Recharge: The client adopted the Time System, blocking their calendar into Mission, Operations, Buffer, and Regeneration Days. This structure brought clarity to their week, ensuring they spent focused time on long-term strategic work, while also making room for personal regeneration.
  2. Managing and Motivating Problem Employees: Instead of viewing underperforming employees as a liability, we worked on a strategy to positively motivate and refocus them:
    • Open Communication: The client initiated individual discussions to understand each employee’s challenges, whether personal, professional, or role-related. This helped uncover misalignment between roles and strengths, or even personal struggles that affected their performance.
    • Re-defining Roles: Some employees were struggling with roles that did not fully leverage their strengths. The client redefined job responsibilities to better align with their natural abilities and interests, ensuring a more productive and engaged workforce.
    • Offering Support and Growth Opportunities: Instead of punitive measures, the client focused on supporting their team through training and personal development plans. This empowered employees to improve their performance while feeling valued.
    • Fostering Positive Reinforcement: Small but meaningful incentives—such as public praise, development opportunities, and flexible work arrangements—created a culture of positive reinforcement. This not only motivated employees but also improved overall morale and focus.
  3. Separating Work and Personal Time: Buffer Days provided a structure for handling personal admin and smaller work tasks, while Regeneration Days were dedicated entirely to the client’s personal activities, such as triathlon training. By consciously separating work from personal time, they felt more balanced and rejuvenated.
  4. Strategic Leadership Focus: Mission Days allowed the client to focus on their long-term business goals without getting distracted by daily operations. On Operations Days, they could address urgent business matters, delegate more effectively, and ensure the team ran smoothly without their constant input.


  • Renewed Focus and Energy: By clearly dividing their time between work and personal goals, the client experienced renewed motivation and focus. Triathlon training and family time were no longer overshadowed by work stress, which enhanced their sense of well-being.
  • Improved Team Engagement: The underperforming employees showed marked improvements after receiving clarity on their roles and support for their development. By re-engaging them through positive motivation, the client retained key employees and fostered a more harmonious, productive work environment.
  • Better Leadership Focus: The clear structure of Mission, Operations, Buffer, and Regeneration Days allowed the client to maintain a strategic focus on growing their business, while still having dedicated time for day-to-day operations. This balanced approach improved both their effectiveness as a leader and their overall quality of life.
  • Stronger Work-Life Balance: The client felt more in control of their schedule, with a clear separation between work and personal time. The use of Buffer and Regeneration Days helped them manage the small tasks of life while still ensuring ample time for mental and physical rejuvenation.

Conclusion: The implementation of the Mission Focused Leadership framework and its Time System helped the client regain control of their life, both professionally and personally. By effectively dividing their time into Mission, Operations, Buffer, and Regeneration Days, they were able to focus on high-level strategic work, motivate their team, and reinvigorate their personal passions. As a result, they became a more focused, energised leader, while enjoying a more balanced and fulfilling personal life.

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