Entries by Trevor Parker

The 110% Myth and the Power of 100% of 20%

The 110% Myth and the Power of 100% of 20% Ah, the famous phrase we’ve all heard in the workplace, perhaps even uttered ourselves at some point: “I always give 110%!” It’s one of those statements that, while well-intentioned, is frankly a wee bit innacurate.  I whince a little, especially when it comes from the […]

Systems Over Willpower

Systems Over Willpower Why Personal Leadership is All About Systems and Routines—Not Just Willpower   We often think of leadership as something we do for others—guiding a team, making decisions, setting a vision. But real leadership starts with how we lead ourselves. As Royal Marines, this is 101 of being an elite performer. It’s about […]

Developing a “Tip of the Spear” Approach to HR Leadership.

Developing a “Tip of the Spear” Approach to HR Leadership In the corporate world, the phrase “tip of the spear” is a powerful metaphor derived from military terminology. It describes the front line of a military operation, where those involved face the most risk and bear the responsibility for achieving critical objectives. In business, it […]

The £84 billion Impact created through a Void in Leadership.

A Void in Leadership is estimated to cost UK business £84 billion annually.   While recent headlines in the UK have been dominated by the new Government’s push to improve productivity, with ministers making high-profile statements, this is not a new phenomenon. Top HR leaders have long been grappling with low productivity, often exacerbated by […]

Operational CEO Coaching, an alternative to Changing a CEO

Could Operational CEO Coaching transform your existing CEO? Introduction: The decision to replace a CEO is one of the most critical a company can make, with significant implications for its trajectory. For senior HR professionals and Private Equity (PE) portfolio managers, this decision often stems from perceived leadership gaps, market challenges, or the need for […]

Navigating Turbulent Waters – The CEO Coach in Action

The CEO Coach in Action Making the argument for Portfolio Managers to employ the services of a CEO Coach before management teams begin to struggle under the weight of economic headwinds. Managing a portfolio of investments is a formidable task. The ever-changing economic trading conditions are introducing a growing number of businesses that are not […]

Leadership of an Interim CRO

Navigating Turbulent Waters: The Role of an Interim CRO Let’s face it—times are tough. More and more companies are facing financial distress, operational inefficiencies, or other challenges threatening their viability. Organisations may turn to an Interim CRO during such tumultuous times to steer them through troubled waters, make tough decisions, and catalyse rapid change. These […]

Is an Interim CEO the Right Choice?

When Is an Interim CEO the Right Choice? In the dynamic business world, companies often face unforeseen challenges and changes in leadership. Whether due to sudden departures, operational crises, or a fresh perspective, organisations may need a temporary chief executive officer (CEO). This is where an interim CEO can be the perfect solution. In this […]

The Power of Operational Interim Leaders

Driving Performance Improvement Introduction In the dynamic world of business, change is a constant. Organisations often need interim leadership to address challenges, seize opportunities, or navigate transitions. Traditionally, interim finance directors have been the go-to solution for companies seeking temporary leadership. However, a new breed of leaders, known as operational interim leaders, are emerging as […]