Interim Leadership

Stakeholder Management as an Interim Chief Executive.

Case Study: Interim Chief Executive – Eco City Vehicles Plc (AIM)

Background: Eco City Vehicles Plc, a niche Mercedes-Benz commercial business based in London, was facing a challenging period. The company suffered from low morale, poor customer relationships, and operational disruptions that were impacting its overall performance. Adding to the complexity, the founders, who were executive directors, had not taken any cash off the table during the initial investment. It became highly desirable for the investors to reduce their shareholding, and I was tasked with facilitating this through a further share placing. Appointed by the majority shareholders, chairman, and investors, I led the company’s turnaround as Interim Chief Executive.


  • Low morale: The workforce was disengaged, affecting internal culture and external service quality.
  • Market decline: The business was operating in a sector experiencing a double-digit contraction.
  • Operational issues with TFL compliance: A significant fault in the conversion of Mercedes Vito vehicles to meet TFL requirements was creating operational setbacks.
  • Customer satisfaction issues: The reliability problems stemming from the conversion issues were negatively impacting customer relationships and satisfaction levels.
  • Founders’ shareholding: The founders, who had not taken any financial gains from the initial investment, had a high shareholding that needed to be reduced through new investment.
  • Financial instability: With stagnant revenues and thin margins, the company’s financial position was precarious.

Actions Taken:

  1. Rebuilding the Management Team: I focused on restructuring and revitalising the leadership team, ensuring the right people were in place to address the immediate challenges and position the company for long-term success.
  2. Addressing Initial Engineering Issues: While the fault with the TFL-compliant conversion was not fully resolved, we overcame the initial hurdles, allowing for better operational stability and improved delivery timelines.
  3. Raising Investment: To address the founders’ desire to reduce their shareholding and bring fresh capital into the business, I led a successful share placing involving an institutional investor. This not only facilitated the reduction of the founders’ shares but also brought in essential funding for future growth.
  4. Optimising Sales Mix: By focusing on higher-margin products, we improved the gross margin by 2%, contributing to a stronger overall financial position.

Stakeholder Management:

  • TFL: As the regulatory body overseeing London taxis, I maintained ongoing communication with TFL to update them on our engineering progress and ensure continued compliance.
  • Taxi Unions: Representing a key customer base, the taxi unions required consistent communication to minimise disruption for their members. By being transparent about our progress, we helped manage expectations during the technical challenges.
  • Mercedes Benz: Collaborating closely with the Managing Director of Mercedes Benz Vans UK and Europe, I worked to resolve product issues and ensure their ongoing support for future operations.
  • Manufacturing Partner: By instituting regular reviews with our manufacturing partner, we streamlined the conversion process and reduced operational disruptions.
  • Large Customer Influencers: Key customers who held significant influence over broader market perceptions were engaged directly. Restoring their confidence was vital for rebuilding trust in the brand, particularly after the reliability issues caused by the conversion fault.
  • Nomad and Broker: Managing the Nomad (Nominated Adviser) and Broker was crucial to ensuring that the company remained compliant with AIM regulations and had access to capital markets. I maintained open lines of communication with both parties, providing regular updates on operational progress and financial performance. This transparency ensured their continued confidence in the company’s strategy, enabling smooth execution of the share placing and ongoing support in maintaining investor relations. By working closely with them, I secured the necessary guidance to align our actions with market expectations and regulatory requirements.

Stakeholder Management: Original Investors

The original investors, including the majority shareholders and the chairman, were instrumental in my appointment as Interim Chief Executive. Given their significant investment and long-term interest in the company’s success, managing their expectations was a top priority throughout the turnaround process.

  • Clear Communication: From the outset, I maintained transparent and regular communication with the original investors. This included detailed updates on the company’s financial health, progress in addressing operational challenges, and the impact of key strategic decisions such as the share placing. By keeping them informed, I helped ensure their confidence in the turnaround strategy.
  • Aligning Interests: The original investors were keen to see a reduction in the founders’ shareholding, as the founders had not taken any cash off the table in the initial investment series. I worked closely with the investors to ensure that the share placing achieved this objective, aligning with their long-term financial interests while securing institutional investment for the company’s future growth.
  • Focus on Value Creation: The investors sought a sustainable turnaround that would protect and enhance their investment. By improving the company’s operational performance, increasing margins, and enhancing cash flow, I was able to demonstrate value creation and set the foundation for future profitability, which reassured the investors of the company’s positive trajectory.
  • Leadership Transition Planning: Given their vested interest in the company’s stability, I ensured that the handover of the CEO role to an original director was smooth and well-coordinated. This gave the investors confidence in the continuity of leadership and the company’s ability to maintain its recovery and growth under the new CEO.

In managing the original investors, I struck a balance between addressing their immediate concerns—particularly around shareholding and cash flow—and building a long-term vision for the company’s success, securing their ongoing support throughout the transition.


  • Revenue Growth in a Declining Market: Despite market difficulties, Eco City Vehicles achieved a 4% increase in revenue, supported by improvements in stakeholder management and strategic sales decisions.
  • Profitability and Cash Flow: The combined effect of better margins and increased operational efficiency led to a doubling of EBITDA and a notable increase in operating cash flow.
  • Founders’ Shareholding Reduced: The successful share placing not only brought in new capital but also allowed the founders to reduce their shareholding, achieving one of the key objectives of the turnaround.
  • Customer Satisfaction Restored: While the engineering issues were not fully resolved, addressing the most critical faults helped restore customer confidence and stabilise relationships.
  • Leadership Transition: Once the company was back on stable footing, I transitioned the CEO role to one of the original directors, ensuring leadership continuity and future success.

Conclusion: Through decisive leadership, effective stakeholder management, and the successful facilitation of institutional investment, Eco City Vehicles Plc overcame significant operational and financial challenges. The company emerged stronger, with improved customer relationships, restored profitability, and a more balanced ownership structure, ready for future growth.

Stabilising Leadership in Times of Transition

Case Study: Stabilising Leadership in Times of Transition

Client: Private Equity-backed Business
Role: Interim CEO
Sector: Private Equity

The organisation faced significant instability within its management team, complicated by a politically charged environment. The Finance Director was under immense pressure, and several key team members were on the verge of leaving, putting the business at risk during a critical period.

Appointed by the private equity partner as Interim CEO, my role was to safeguard their interests while simultaneously managing a highly volatile situation. Despite the complexities, I focused on stabilising the team and addressing operational challenges swiftly and empathetically.

Key actions included:

  • Building strong, positive working relationships with management to foster trust and respect.
  • Navigating political and personal pressures within the company, offering clarity and calm during uncertainty.
  • Engaging team members, alleviating their concerns, and preventing further destabilisation.

My leadership helped to steady a management team on the brink of collapse, stabilising the organisation and restoring confidence among key personnel. The Finance Director later noted that the experience left a lasting positive impact on the team and the business.

He remarked:
“Trevor’s calm, thoughtful leadership and emotional intelligence allowed him to swiftly address key challenges in a highly volatile situation. His ability to engage with people and bring stability to a fragmented team was invaluable. Even now, I seek his guidance in my current role as CFO at another company, and his advice remains insightful and pragmatic.”

Interim CEO Engagement for a Leadership Transformation

Case Study: Interim CEO Engagement for a Leadership Transformation


In 2023, a well-established company, with a leadership team accustomed to reporting to family owners for over 40 years, faced significant challenges. The organisation struggled to adapt to the pace required by a new institutional investor and grappled with declining demand exacerbated by the UK’s cost-of-living crisis. In this context, Trevor was brought in as an Interim CEO, having been strongly recommended by a former colleague at Harwood Capital.


Trevor’s primary objectives were to:

  1. Assess the existing leadership dynamics and operational challenges.
  2. Implement a short-term strategic plan to improve immediate results.
  3. Strengthen the financial control of the organisation by identifying key leadership gaps.
  4. Facilitate effective communication and collaboration within the management team.


The company faced several critical challenges:

  • Leadership Transition: The leadership team had limited experience in adapting to the requirements of institutional investors.
  • Financial Management: There was a poor grasp of direct and indirect costs, along with insufficient focus on working capital and cash management.
  • Cultural Resistance: The longstanding familial leadership model had created a culture that was resistant to change.

Actions Taken

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: Trevor conducted a thorough analysis of the organisation’s operational structure, financial performance, and leadership capabilities. He identified key issues such as a lack of control over costs and inadequate working capital management.
  2. Development of a Short-Term Plan: Collaborating closely with the management team, Trevor formulated a comprehensive short-term plan aimed at addressing the root causes of the organisation’s struggles. This plan included:
    • Cost Control Measures: Initiatives to improve oversight of both direct and indirect costs.
    • Cash Management Strategies: Enhanced focus on cash flow management to stabilise financial health.
    • Engagement and Buy-in: Ensured that the entire management team supported the proposed changes, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability.
  3. Strengthening Financial Leadership: Recognising weaknesses in the leadership team, Trevor sourced a highly experienced Interim CFO. This decision was pivotal in enhancing financial control and ensuring a robust financial strategy was implemented.
  4. Communication and Progress Updates: Throughout the engagement, Trevor maintained open lines of communication, providing regular updates to the stakeholders on progress and developments.


Trevor’s engagement as Interim CEO yielded significant improvements:

  • Operational Improvements: The implementation of the short-term plan resulted in noticeable enhancements in the company’s operational efficiency.
  • Financial Stability: The strengthened financial oversight led to improved cash management and cost control, providing a more stable financial footing amid challenging market conditions.
  • Leadership Empowerment: The addition of the Interim CFO and Trevor’s guidance revitalised the leadership team, fostering a collaborative environment that embraced change.
  • Positive Cultural Shift: Trevor’s ability to communicate effectively helped bridge the gap between traditional practices and modern management expectations, facilitating a smoother transition towards a more agile operational model.


Trevor’s expertise and leadership capabilities proved invaluable in navigating the organisation through a critical transitional phase. His strategic insights, combined with a focus on operational excellence and team empowerment, laid the groundwork for sustainable growth.

As a testament to his impact, Jerry Wilson, Partner at Harwood Capital, stated:

“Trevor came strongly recommended. His deep operational skill set and strong people management capabilities resulted in him identifying the root cause of multiple internal challenges and drawing up a short-term plan that the whole management team supported. Trevor is a strong communicator – it was a pleasure working with him, and he kept us updated on progress at every stage. We have no hesitation in recommending you seek Trevor’s leadership and support with any change management or turnaround project – indeed, he’s now considered Harwood’s ‘go-to’ operator for this work across the whole group portfolio.”

This case study exemplifies Trevor’s ability to deliver impactful leadership during times of uncertainty, making him a valuable asset for organisations seeking to navigate change effectively.

Interim Chairman – Motorcycle Manufacturer & Distributer


A Family office backed motorcycle manufacturing and distribution company, had recently been acquired by Pitalia Capital with the ambition of launching a new line of bikes. However, the business faced significant challenges, including a sharp decline in sales and mounting operational costs. The situation escalated to a point where additional funding was necessary not only to sustain day-to-day operations but also to support new product development, testing, and production.

Recognising the urgency of the situation, Pitalia Capital sought an interim leader to stabilise the business and lay the groundwork for future success. I was approached to step in as the Interim Chairman to address these challenges head-on.


  1. Declining Sales: The business was experiencing a significant downturn in sales, threatening its viability and future prospects.
  2. Increased Working Capital Requirements: To keep the business afloat while also investing in new product lines, working capital requirements had soared, placing additional strain on financial resources.
  3. Lack of Leadership: The company required a strong leadership figure to guide it through this turbulent period, implement necessary changes, and build a solid foundation for future growth.

Actions Taken

Upon assuming the role of Interim Chairman, I implemented a series of decisive actions to stabilise CCM Motorcycles:

  1. Immediate Cost Management: I conducted a thorough review of the company’s financials and operations. By identifying areas for cost reduction, I significantly lowered working capital requirements. This allowed the business to operate more efficiently and reduced the cash flow needed to maintain operational stability.
  2. Strategic Leadership: Recognising the need for a permanent leadership figure to steer the company forward, I prioritised the recruitment of a new Managing Director (MD). I led the search for a candidate who not only possessed the necessary industry experience but also aligned with the company’s vision for future growth.
  3. Operational Stability: Through effective management of resources and staff, I ensured that the core business functions remained stable. This involved streamlining processes, enhancing team collaboration, and fostering a culture of accountability and performance.


The actions taken led to a dramatic improvement in operational stability:

  • Reduced Cash Requirements: The substantial reduction in working capital needs resulted in a significant decrease in the additional cash required to sustain the business.
  • Successful Leadership Transition: I successfully recruited a new MD, ensuring a smooth handover of responsibilities. The new leader was equipped with the tools and support necessary to drive the company forward.
  • Strengthened Position: The firm emerged from this challenging period in a stronger and more stable position, with a clear path toward growth and development in the motorcycle market.


“In the world of family investment, not everything goes to plan. We faced a challenging situation with one of our investments, and I turned to Trev to help stabilise the business. From the outset, Trev displayed exceptional leadership and a clear understanding of our needs. He delivered on every objective and went above and beyond by recruiting a new Managing Director. Trev ensured a smooth transition, handing over the business in a stronger, more stable position. His expertise and dedication were invaluable to us during this critical period.”

John Davies
Managing Partner – Pitalia Capital


This assignment exemplifies the critical role of interim leadership in navigating complex business challenges. Through strategic action, focused leadership, and a commitment to operational excellence, I was able to stabilise the investment and set the stage for a brighter future under new management. The experience reinforced the importance of agility and decisiveness in interim roles, ensuring that businesses can not only survive but thrive amidst adversity.

Interim Sales Director – AA Warranty

Case Study: Interim Sales Director – AA Warranty

Overview: AA Warranty’s sales team was comprised of both employed and independent sales representatives spread across large territories. The independent reps had significant control over their regions but were underperforming due to a lack of structured guidance and support. Additionally, strained relationships between the regional teams and head office further hindered sales growth. The management team had struggled to motivate the independents and align their goals with the company’s objectives.


  • Independent sales reps exhibited inconsistent performance, with many relying heavily on strong recurring revenue streams.
  • There was a lack of a cohesive, structured approach to sales, leading to unfocused efforts across territories.
  • Relationships between regional teams and head office were strained, creating misalignment and hampering collaboration.
  • Motivation levels were low, and existing sales materials and product offerings needed improvement.

Solution: As Interim Sales Director, I implemented a series of strategic initiatives to address these challenges, focusing on restructuring, relationship-building, sales coaching, and process improvements.

  1. Restructuring Within Constraints: I realigned territories where necessary, clarified performance expectations, and introduced incentives for both new business development and recurring revenue growth.
  2. Relationship Building: I worked directly with the independent reps and their clients to strengthen relationships, gain their trust, and motivate them to adopt new strategies.
  3. Product and Sales Material Improvement: I introduced a new product range and improved point-of-sale materials, giving the team more effective tools for client engagement.
  4. Sales Team Coaching and Monthly Seminars: Monthly seminars helped motivate the team, foster stronger connections with head office, and create a culture of collaboration. I also invited head office team members to join these seminars and regional visits, which ultimately transformed relationships and facilitated better alignment.
  5. Head Office Integration: By encouraging head office staff to attend sales seminars and accompany me on regional visits, I bridged the gap between field operations and corporate strategy. Over time, head office employees began to eagerly participate in these events, enhancing collaboration and communication.
  6. Structured Sales Process Implementation: I introduced a structured sales process that provided a clear framework for the regional reps. This structured approach included sales planning, client engagement strategies, sales funnel management, and performance metrics. By organising their efforts, the reps improved time management and prioritised high-value activities, leading to better sales results.
  7. Outsourced Appointment-Setting Agency Initiative: A significant component of the success was the engagement of an independent outsourced appointment-setting agency. This initiative enabled the agency to book appointments for regional reps with new business prospects, effectively giving me greater knowledge and control over the independent reps’ activities. By generating qualified leads, the appointment-setting agency not only streamlined the process for the reps but also contributed significantly to the increase in new account openings. This collaborative approach enhanced accountability and ensured that independent reps had a steady flow of new opportunities to pursue.

Outcome: The combination of structured sales processes, improved coaching, effective collaboration, and the outsourced appointment-setting initiative resulted in significant sales growth across the board. The regional sales reps became more engaged and focused, achieving higher performance levels than before. The strengthened relationship between the regional teams and head office fostered a more cohesive and effective sales operation. The increase in new account openings was a direct result of these initiatives, showcasing the effectiveness of the strategies employed.

Client Testimonial:

Simon Tennyson, Chief Executive – Motorway Direct plc (AA Warranty), remarked:

“I have worked with Trevor on several occasions for over 17 years. His flair for developing sound and commercially viable strategies, sometimes visionary, will make a significant difference to any business, commercial success, and the development of those within the company. He’s an excellent communicator and motivator. When you work with him, you will know that he doesn’t panic and can lead and give sound advice under pressure and in adverse situations.”

This case study highlights my ability to implement comprehensive strategies that drive sales performance and create alignment across teams. By leveraging structured processes, relationship-building initiatives, and outsourced resources, I was able to transform the sales culture at AA Warranty and significantly enhance its overall performance.

Merging Competitors in the Car Parts Industry

Client: Large Private Equity Investor

Objective: To appoint an Interim Managing Director for the merger of two national car parts businesses.


Our client, a major private equity investor, acquired two prominent national car parts businesses. Historically, these businesses were fierce competitors, each with extensive networks of local branches, significant stock holdings, and overlapping customer bases. This acquisition aimed to consolidate their market position and improve operational efficiency. The critical challenge was to merge these entities smoothly while maintaining customer service standards and maximising cost efficiencies.


Duplicate Branch Network: Both businesses operated extensive branch networks, often in the same locations. This led to redundancy and increased operational costs.

Stock Duplication: Having two separate inventory systems resulted in duplicate stock holdings, leading to inefficiencies and higher carrying costs.

Competing Terms: The businesses offered different terms to the same customer base, potentially causing confusion and customer dissatisfaction.

Duplicate Teams: Both companies had their support teams in marketing, HR, finance, and operations, leading to unnecessary duplication and inflated overheads.


To address these challenges, the private equity investor required an Interim Managing Director with substantial experience in mergers and acquisitions, specifically within the retail and automotive sectors. Our firm was tasked with identifying and placing this interim leader.

Key Considerations:

Consolidation vs. Retention: Evaluating the pros and cons of reducing the branch network versus retaining multiple branches in close proximity.
Operational Efficiency: Streamlining operations to reduce costs while maintaining high service levels.
Cultural Integration: Merging two distinct corporate cultures into a cohesive and efficient single entity.
Customer Retention: Ensuring that the merger would not disrupt customer relationships or service quality.

Recruitment Process

1. Understanding Client Needs: We conducted thorough consultations with the client to understand their strategic goals, timelines, and specific requirements for the interim role.
2. Candidate Identification: Leveraging our extensive network, we identified potential candidates with the requisite experience in managing complex mergers and extensive knowledge of the automotive parts industry.
3. Evaluation and Shortlisting: Candidates were evaluated based on their track record in similar roles, leadership style, and ability to manage large teams through significant organisational change.
4. Client Interviews and Selection: Shortlisted candidates were presented to the client, who conducted in-depth interviews to assess their fit for the role.

Appointment and Impact:

We successfully placed an Interim Managing Director who had previously led several high-profile mergers in the retail sector. Their approach included:

1. Branch Network Analysis: Conducted a detailed analysis to determine the optimal number of branches, focusing on customer accessibility and operational efficiency. This analysis resulted in a plan to consolidate certain branches while maintaining strategic locations to ensure market coverage.
2. Stock and Inventory Management: Implemented an integrated inventory management system to reduce stock duplication and optimise inventory levels.
3. Unified Customer Terms: Standardised customer terms and conditions to eliminate confusion and strengthen customer relationships.
4. Team Restructuring: Evaluated and restructured support teams to eliminate redundancies, focusing on retaining key talent and enhancing team effectiveness.
5. Change Management: Led a comprehensive change management programme to integrate the two corporate cultures, ensuring a smooth transition and maintaining employee morale.



Cost Savings: The consolidation of branches and support teams led to significant cost savings, exceeding initial projections.
Operational Efficiency: The streamlined operations improved service delivery and reduced lead times, enhancing customer satisfaction.
Market Position: The unified entity strengthened its market position, becoming a more formidable competitor.
Employee Morale: Effective change management and clear communication ensured high employee morale and retention of key personnel.



The successful placement of the Interim Managing Director by our firm played a crucial role in the seamless merger of the two car parts businesses. The strategic and operational improvements realised through this leadership appointment underscored the value of our tailored recruitment approach in addressing complex business challenges.

This case study exemplifies our commitment to delivering exceptional recruitment solutions, enabling our clients to achieve their strategic objectives effectively.