Operational Services

Facilitating Strategic Planning for The University of Sheffield

Case Study: Facilitating Strategic Planning for The University of Sheffield’s Sports Faculty

Client Overview
The University of Sheffield, a leading research university in the UK, is renowned for its commitment to academic excellence and innovation. The Sports Faculty, part of the university, plays a pivotal role in promoting sports science, coaching, and physical education.

Following a significant change in the financial funding structure, the Sports Faculty faced uncertainties regarding resource allocation and strategic priorities. The faculty needed a comprehensive strategic planning process to navigate this transition, ensuring alignment with the university’s broader objectives while effectively communicating changes to all stakeholders.


  • To facilitate a structured strategic planning process tailored to the Sports Faculty’s unique context and challenges.
  • To design a roll-out sequence for cascading relevant information across the faculty, fostering transparency and engagement.


  1. Initial Assessment: We began with a thorough assessment of the current situation, engaging key stakeholders to understand their perspectives and concerns regarding the funding changes.
  2. Strategic Planning Workshop: We organized a series of workshops that brought together faculty members, leadership, and relevant stakeholders. These workshops aimed to:
    • Define the vision and mission of the Sports Faculty post-funding change.
    • Identify key priorities, challenges, and opportunities in light of the new funding structure.
    • Develop actionable strategies aligned with the university’s strategic goals.
  3. Collaborative Framework Development: We facilitated discussions to create a collaborative framework that emphasized collective ownership of the strategic plan. This involved:
    • Establishing working groups focused on specific areas such as resource management, curriculum development, and community engagement.
    • Encouraging open dialogue and idea-sharing among faculty members to foster a sense of unity and shared purpose.
  4. Cascading Communication Strategy: Recognizing the importance of effective communication, we designed a roll-out sequence to disseminate information across the faculty. This included:
    • Creating a detailed communication plan outlining key messages, timelines, and channels for information sharing.
    • Developing tailored materials such as presentations, FAQs, and newsletters to ensure clarity and accessibility for all faculty members.
  5. Implementation Support: We provided ongoing support during the implementation phase, helping faculty leaders monitor progress, gather feedback, and adjust strategies as needed. Regular check-ins were established to maintain momentum and address emerging challenges.


  • Enhanced Clarity and Direction: The strategic planning process provided the Sports Faculty with a clear vision and actionable strategies, enabling them to adapt to the new funding structure effectively.
  • Improved Stakeholder Engagement: The collaborative workshops fostered a sense of community among faculty members, enhancing their commitment to the strategic plan.
  • Effective Communication: The cascading communication strategy ensured that all faculty members were informed and engaged throughout the process, leading to increased transparency and trust.

The strategic planning facilitation for The University of Sheffield’s Sports Faculty proved to be a vital process in navigating the complexities of a changed financial funding structure. By fostering collaboration, clarity, and effective communication, the faculty was empowered to align its objectives with the university’s broader mission, ultimately enhancing its impact on students and the community.

This case exemplifies the importance of structured strategic planning and communication in academic settings, particularly during times of transition.

Transforming an £18 Million Online Sports Brand

Case Study: Transforming an £18 Million Online Sports Brand

Client Background:

The client was the founder of an £18 million online direct-to-consumer sports brand, which faced significant operational challenges leading to a £500,000 loss. The founder sought strategic support to revitalize the business and improve performance.

Initial Engagement:

To diagnose the core issues, we undertook a comprehensive two-week review of the business. This involved interviews with key stakeholders, analysis of operational processes, and an assessment of roles and responsibilities to identify areas needing improvement.

Issues and Challenges:

The review uncovered several critical challenges that needed to be addressed:

  1. Unclear Roles and Responsibilities: Many team members were unsure of their specific roles, leading to inefficiencies and overlapping duties.
  2. Poor Stock Control: Inventory management was ineffective, resulting in overstocking and stockouts, impacting cash flow and customer satisfaction.
  3. Uncontrolled Buying: Purchasing processes were not well-regulated, leading to excessive inventory costs and misalignment with actual demand.
  4. Misaligned Marketing: Marketing efforts were not effectively aligned with sales objectives, leading to missed opportunities in reaching target customers.
  5. Significant Customer Service Issues: The company faced numerous customer service challenges, resulting in dissatisfaction and increased churn rates.
  6. Imminent Withdrawal of Banking Support: The business was on the verge of losing banking support due to financial instability, creating urgent pressure for improvement.

Strategic Plan Development:

Based on our findings, we collaborated with the founder and management team to create a robust strategic plan that included:

  1. Role Alignment: We clarified roles and responsibilities across the management team to enhance accountability and efficiency, aligning individual objectives with the company’s strategic goals.
  2. Improved Stock Management: We implemented more effective inventory control processes to reduce costs and ensure product availability, aligning stock levels with sales forecasts.
  3. Controlled Buying Processes: We established purchasing guidelines to regulate buying practices, ensuring inventory levels remained aligned with actual demand.
  4. Marketing Alignment: We developed a cohesive marketing strategy that aligned with sales objectives, enabling the team to effectively target and engage customers.
  5. Customer Service Improvement: We instituted a customer service enhancement program aimed at resolving existing issues and improving customer satisfaction.
  6. Structured Performance Review Processes: We established weekly, monthly, and quarterly performance and planning sessions, incorporating Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) processes to improve alignment between sales forecasts and operations.
  7. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Relevant KPIs were developed to measure performance across departments, ensuring progress was tracked and communicated.
  8. Communication Framework: A structured communication plan was put in place to foster collaboration, ensuring that all team members were aligned on objectives and priorities.

Implementation Support:

Throughout the implementation phase, we provided ongoing support, which included:

  • Facilitated Sessions: We conducted sessions to guide the management team through the execution of the strategic plan, helping them to navigate obstacles and maintain momentum.
  • Coaching and Mentoring: Individual coaching sessions helped develop leadership skills among team members, fostering accountability and ownership.
  • Progress Tracking: We regularly reviewed progress against established KPIs, making data-driven adjustments to the strategic plan as needed.


Over a two-year period under our strategic guidance, the business achieved remarkable results:

  • Turnaround from Loss to Profit: The company transformed from a £500,000 loss to an EBIT of £2.5 million, reflecting significant improvements in both sales and operational efficiency.
  • Operational Efficiency Gains: Streamlined processes and clear responsibilities led to enhanced productivity and a stronger bottom line.
  • Improved Morale: With clearer roles and structured performance metrics, management team morale significantly improved, leading to a more engaged and motivated workforce.
  • Banker Confidence Restored: Our strategic plan quickly gained momentum and restored the confidence of the bankers, who were initially prepared to withdraw support. Although there is no formal written testimonial, the senior banking director has provided several extremely positive verbal references regarding our impact.
  • Successful Exit: The business was sold the following year for £22 million, highlighting the effectiveness of the strategic overhaul and the solid foundation laid for future growth.


This case study illustrates the powerful impact of strategic guidance in transforming an £18 million online direct-to-consumer sports brand. Through clear role alignment, improved inventory management, enhanced marketing strategies, and customer service improvements, the founder and management team not only overcame significant challenges but also positioned the company for a lucrative exit, demonstrating the value of effective leadership and strategic planning in driving business success.

Supporting an HR Director and Senior Management Team in Headcount Reduction

Case Study: Supporting an HR Director and Senior Management Team in Headcount Reduction


A mid-sized manufacturing company faced significant financial challenges due to declining market demand and increasing operational costs. The HR Director, in collaboration with the senior management team, recognised the need to reduce headcount to stabilise the company while ensuring productivity and maintaining vital services. Additionally, the management team sought an independent opinion on the initiative to ensure that the approach was robust and comprehensive.


The primary objective was to implement a headcount reduction strategy that would not impact overall productivity and service delivery. This required a well-structured plan that addressed communication with all stakeholders and ensured compliance with employment laws. The management team also wanted an independent report to validate the initiative and provide insights for improvement.


1. Initial Assessment and Analysis

The first step involved conducting a thorough assessment of the current workforce, including:

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis:
    • Evaluating the financial implications of headcount reduction versus the potential savings from reduced salaries, benefits, and overheads.
    • Estimating the costs associated with severance packages, potential legal fees, and retraining for remaining employees.
  • Risk Assessment:
    • Identifying potential risks, including decreased morale among remaining employees, loss of critical knowledge, and impact on customer relationships.
    • Developing mitigation strategies to address these risks.

2. Stakeholder Engagement

The HR Director and senior management engaged with key stakeholders, including department heads and team leaders, to gather input on which roles were essential and which could be consolidated or eliminated without affecting productivity.

3. Legal Compliance

Collaborating with the company’s employment lawyer was crucial in ensuring that the headcount reduction process adhered to all legal requirements. This included:

  • Developing a compliant process for selection criteria to ensure fairness and transparency.
  • Creating documentation to support the process and protect the company against potential legal claims.

4. Communication Strategy

A comprehensive communication plan was developed to address all stakeholders, including:

  • Internal Communication:
    • Crafting messages to inform employees about the reasons for the headcount reduction, the process, and the support available to them.
    • Establishing a dedicated team to answer questions and provide updates throughout the process.
  • External Communication:
    • Developing communication materials for customers, suppliers, and bankers to reassure them of the company’s commitment to maintaining service levels and operational integrity during the transition.
    • Utilising press releases and social media channels to share the company’s strategy and future plans, emphasising resilience and growth.

5. Retraining and Support Programmes

To minimise disruption and ensure continuity of services, a retraining plan was developed for remaining employees, focusing on:

  • Skill Development:
    • Offering training programmes to enhance existing employees’ skills, ensuring they could take on additional responsibilities as needed.
  • Emotional Support:
    • Implementing employee assistance programmes to provide counselling and support to employees facing job loss.

6. Monitoring and Evaluation

Post-implementation, a monitoring plan was put in place to evaluate the effectiveness of the headcount reduction strategy, including:

  • Productivity Metrics:
    • Regularly assessing key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure that productivity remained stable post-reduction.
  • Employee Feedback:
    • Conducting surveys to gauge employee morale and engagement levels following the changes.

7. Independent Opinion and Reporting

To ensure an unbiased perspective on the headcount reduction initiative, the management team commissioned an independent consultant to provide a thorough report. This involved:

  • Reviewing the Process: Evaluating the steps taken to implement the headcount reduction, including communication strategies and compliance with legal requirements.
  • Providing Recommendations: Offering insights on areas for improvement and best practices for future workforce planning initiatives.
  • Validation of Outcomes: Assessing the long-term benefits against the short-term impacts and confirming that the initiative aligned with the company’s strategic objectives.

This initiative was further supported by the HR Manager, who, despite being highly capable in the technical elements of HR, recognised the complexity of this undertaking. She sought external assistance to expedite the review process and leverage the expertise of a team with deep experience in managing similar workforce changes. This collaboration allowed for a more efficient approach, enabling the HR Manager to focus on the technical aspects of her role while ensuring that the headcount reduction was managed effectively and aligned with best practices.

Financial Impact of Employee Reduction

While the headcount reduction initially resulted in a short-term cash impact due to termination costs, the long-term benefits significantly outweighed these costs.

Short-Term Cash Impact:

  • The immediate financial implications included severance pay, potential legal fees, and other termination-related expenses. These costs placed a temporary strain on the company’s cash flow as it worked to implement the necessary changes.

Long-Term Benefits:

  • Over time, the strategic decision to reduce headcount led to a 10% reduction in the annual cost base. This decrease in ongoing operational expenses was primarily due to:
    • Lower Salary and Benefit Costs: With fewer employees, the company significantly reduced payroll and associated benefit costs, contributing directly to improved profitability.
    • Increased Efficiency: The restructuring process enabled the company to streamline operations, eliminate redundancies, and improve overall productivity. Remaining employees often took on additional responsibilities, leading to more effective resource allocation.
    • Enhanced Focus on Core Activities: By consolidating roles and focusing on essential services, the company was able to align its workforce with strategic objectives, ensuring that resources were dedicated to the most impactful areas of the business.


The headcount reduction was successfully executed with minimal disruption to productivity. Key outcomes included:

  • Cost Savings: Achieved a 20% reduction in operational costs, contributing to the company’s financial stability.
  • Maintained Services: Critical services were preserved, with no significant impact on customer satisfaction or supplier relationships.
  • Employee Morale: Through transparent communication and retraining initiatives, overall employee morale remained stable, with a survey indicating an 85% approval rate for the communication process.
  • Legal Compliance: All legal requirements were met, with no grievances or legal challenges following the process.
  • Independent Validation: The independent consultant’s report confirmed that the initiative was implemented effectively and provided constructive recommendations for future workforce strategies.


By adopting a structured approach to headcount reduction that emphasised communication, compliance, and support, the company successfully navigated a challenging transition while safeguarding its productivity and vital services. Despite the initial cash outlay associated with employee termination, the long-term impact of the headcount reduction was profoundly positive, leading to a 10% reduction in the annual cost base. This case study illustrates the importance of strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, and the value of independent oversight in managing organisational change. The HR Manager’s decision to seek external expertise not only expedited the process but also ensured that the company adhered to best practices throughout the initiative.

Designing a Field Sales Process for AA Warranty’s National Sales Team

Case Study: Designing a Field Sales Process for AA Warranty’s National Sales Team

Client Overview
AA Warranty, a prominent provider of vehicle warranty and protection services, faced challenges in its field sales operations due to a lack of a structured sales process. With a mixed team of independent and employed regional sales representatives, the company needed a cohesive strategy to improve sales performance and customer engagement.

To design and implement a comprehensive field sales process that enhances the efficiency of the sales team, aligns their efforts with corporate objectives, and ultimately drives increased revenue.

Key Challenges

  1. Inconsistent Sales Practices: The sales team employed varying sales techniques, leading to inconsistent results across regions.
  2. Poor Communication: There were strained relationships between regional sales representatives and head office staff, hindering collaboration and support.
  3. Limited Training: Sales representatives had different levels of product knowledge and sales skills, impacting their ability to engage effectively with customers.
  4. Ineffective Use of Resources: The absence of a structured process resulted in wasted efforts and missed opportunities in lead generation and customer follow-up.

Solution Development
To address these challenges, a structured sales process was designed with the following key components:

  1. Sales Process Framework:
    • Developed a clear step-by-step sales process that included lead generation, qualification, presentation, objection handling, and closing. Each stage was supported by specific tools and resources to aid sales representatives.
  2. Training and Development:
    • Implemented a comprehensive training program that provided sales representatives with essential skills and product knowledge. This included role-playing exercises, workshops, and ongoing coaching sessions.
  3. Sales Support Materials:
    • Created standardized sales materials, including presentations, product sheets, and objection handling scripts, ensuring all representatives had access to consistent and effective resources.
  4. Communication Strategy:
    • Fostered better communication between the field sales team and the head office by implementing regular check-ins, joint planning sessions, and cross-departmental meetings. This helped build trust and align objectives.
  5. Performance Metrics:
    • Established key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure sales effectiveness, including conversion rates, customer satisfaction scores, and average deal size. Regular performance reviews were conducted to provide feedback and identify areas for improvement.

The new sales process was rolled out in phases, beginning with pilot regions. Feedback was gathered from sales representatives to refine the process and address any challenges encountered. Training sessions were held across the country, ensuring all team members understood the new procedures and felt supported in their transition.

After implementing the new field sales process, AA Warranty experienced significant improvements:

  • Sales Growth: The structured process led to a 25% increase in overall sales within the first six months post-implementation.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: The average sales cycle was reduced by 30%, allowing representatives to close deals more quickly and effectively.
  • Improved Team Morale: Regular communication and support from the head office improved relationships between regional representatives and management, fostering a more collaborative environment.
  • Higher Customer Satisfaction: Customer feedback indicated an increase in satisfaction scores, attributed to better-trained representatives and more consistent engagement.

By designing a comprehensive field sales process, AA Warranty successfully transformed its national sales team into a cohesive, efficient unit that significantly improved sales performance and customer engagement. The structured approach not only addressed existing challenges but also set the foundation for sustainable growth and continued success in the competitive vehicle warranty market.

Redesigning the Sales Pipeline and Process for an Inbound Technical Sales Team

Case Study: Redesigning the Sales Pipeline and Process for an Inbound Technical Sales Team


An inbound technical sales team at a mid-sized firm was struggling to capitalise on valuable leads generated through expensive referrals from partner organisations. The existing sales pipeline and process lacked efficiency, resulting in missed opportunities and unoptimised lead distribution among sales agents. This case study outlines the steps taken to redesign the sales pipeline, improve lead management, and enhance overall sales performance.


  1. Inefficient Lead Distribution: Leads from partner referrals were distributed haphazardly among sales agents, leading to inconsistent follow-up and engagement. Agents often did not have the necessary information about leads, resulting in missed follow-up opportunities and slow response times.
  2. Lack of Control and Visibility: The sales team lacked a centralised system to track leads throughout the pipeline. This made it challenging to monitor performance metrics, identify bottlenecks, and ensure accountability among team members.
  3. Underutilisation of Partner Referrals: Despite the high cost of acquiring partner referrals, the sales team failed to maximise their value. Many leads were neglected, resulting in lost revenue opportunities and strained partner relationships.


  • Optimise Lead Distribution: Create a structured lead distribution process to ensure timely and effective follow-up by sales agents.
  • Enhance Visibility and Control: Implement a centralised system for tracking leads, enabling better oversight of the sales pipeline and team performance.
  • Maximise Partner Referral Utilisation: Develop strategies to improve engagement with partner referrals and convert them into sales.


  1. Process Mapping: Conducted a thorough analysis of the existing sales process. This included mapping the current lead journey from referral to conversion and identifying pain points.
  2. Centralised CRM Implementation: Selected and implemented a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that allowed for streamlined lead tracking, distribution, and reporting. The CRM facilitated better communication among sales agents and provided visibility into lead status.
  3. Lead Scoring System: Developed a lead scoring system based on criteria such as engagement level, demographic information, and partner referral quality. This scoring system prioritised leads, enabling agents to focus on high-potential opportunities.
  4. Structured Lead Distribution Model: Created a structured lead distribution model that assigned leads to agents based on factors such as expertise, current workload, and historical performance. This ensured that leads were handled by the most appropriate agents.
  5. Training and Development: Provided training sessions for sales agents on the new processes, the use of the CRM system, and effective engagement strategies for partner referrals. This training emphasised the importance of follow-up and maintaining relationships with partners.
  6. Performance Metrics: Established key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of the redesigned sales pipeline. Metrics included lead conversion rates, response times, and revenue generated from partner referrals.


  • Increased Lead Conversion: After implementing the new sales pipeline and processes, lead conversion rates increased by 30% within six months. The structured approach ensured timely follow-up and improved engagement with leads.
  • Improved Response Times: The average response time to leads decreased from 48 hours to less than 24 hours, significantly enhancing the customer experience and increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  • Enhanced Visibility and Control: The centralised CRM system provided management with real-time insights into lead status and team performance. This allowed for proactive adjustments and better resource allocation.
  • Strengthened Partner Relationships: The sales team reported improved communication with partner organisations. As a result, partners became more engaged in the sales process, leading to increased referrals and stronger collaborative efforts.


The redesign of the sales pipeline and process for the inbound technical sales team successfully addressed the challenges of inefficient lead distribution, lack of visibility, and underutilisation of partner referrals. By implementing a structured approach, leveraging technology, and providing ongoing training, the team was able to significantly enhance its performance and drive revenue growth. This case study highlights the importance of aligning sales processes with organisational objectives to maximise the potential of valuable lead sources.

Driving Strategic Advantage through Collaborative Planning

Driving Strategic Advantage through Collaborative Planning at MB&G Insurance

In today’s competitive landscape, the ability to adapt and innovate is crucial for any business, particularly in the regulated insurance sector. Recently, I had the opportunity to co-chair a pivotal planning meeting for MB&G Insurance, a market leader in Motor and Leisure warranty, as they embarked on a key management information (MI) improvement initiative. The aim? To carve out a strategic advantage through enhanced MI coordination across their diverse offerings.

Understanding MB&G Insurance

MB&G has successfully leveraged its position as a market leader in Motor and Leisure warranty to expand into affordable, high-quality insurance cover across various sectors. Their philosophy centres on providing customers with peace of mind, knowing they are supported by fast and friendly experts should they encounter any bumps in the road. This commitment to customer safety and satisfaction drives their need for effective MI management and strategic alignment across departments.

The Challenge of Improvement

As MB&G aimed to elevate its MI capabilities, the annual planning meeting required a fresh approach. The CEO sought to maintain the familiar roundtable format while introducing a refined structure to ensure that the meeting effectively aligned the management team around MI goals. This was no small task; it was essential to create an environment where open dialogue and collaboration could thrive.

A Co-Chairing Approach

Recognising the importance of blending industry expertise with operational insights, the CEO and I decided to co-chair the meeting. His deep understanding of the insurance landscape and regulatory requirements complemented my broad operational experience, creating a dynamic partnership poised to drive meaningful discussions.

To ensure the meeting was productive, I conducted one-on-one sessions with each department head, guiding them in preparing concise seven-slide presentations. These presentations focused on:

  1. Reflections on the past year, highlighting successes and challenges.
  2. Key objectives for the upcoming year.
  3. Specific MI needs to support their departmental goals.

This preparatory work was vital in aligning expectations and ensuring all attendees were ready to contribute.

Structuring the Meeting

The day was carefully divided into two segments to maximise engagement and productivity:

  • Morning Session: We kicked off with a systematic agenda, allowing each department to present their insights and MI requirements. This structured approach provided a clear overview of where each department stood and what was needed moving forward.
  • Afternoon Session: In the afternoon, we shifted to a more relaxed format, fostering open discussion and collaboration. With the groundwork laid in the morning, the CEO and I guided the conversation, ensuring it remained focused on MI improvements while encouraging organic dialogue.

This blend of structure and flexibility not only kept the meeting on track but also cultivated an environment of collaboration and shared purpose.

Achieving Positive Outcomes

The meeting yielded several significant outcomes:

  • Active Participation: The management team, well-prepared from our discussions, engaged fully throughout the meeting. Their concise presentations facilitated focused discussions that yielded actionable insights.
  • Effective Co-Chairing: The partnership between the CEO and myself proved fruitful, allowing us to adapt the meeting flow dynamically while staying aligned with MB&G’s MI objectives.
  • Ongoing Engagement: Following the meeting, attendees expressed interest in further collaboration, requesting our involvement in their departmental planning sessions and one-on-one support to implement their MI strategies.


By co-chairing the planning meeting at MB&G Insurance, we successfully balanced structure and flexibility, ensuring active engagement from the management team. The combination of thorough preparation and a dynamic meeting flow allowed us to achieve key MI improvement objectives, further driving MB&G’s strategic agenda.

As MB&G continues to expand its high-quality insurance offerings, the enhanced MI capabilities will play a crucial role in supporting their mission to provide customers with the peace of mind they deserve. This experience reaffirms the power of collaboration in driving strategic advantage and delivering meaningful outcomes in the ever-evolving insurance landscape.

I look forward to seeing how MB&G leverages these insights to further enhance their operations and continue providing exceptional service to their customers!

Operational Review of an Online Sports Retailer

Case Study: Restructuring an Online Sports Retailer


In the dynamic world of online retail, agility and financial health are paramount for sustained success. This case study highlights the journey of a £25 million turnover online sports retailer, founded and run by an exceptionally driven entrepreneur who launched the business from his bedroom. Despite his remarkable commercial instincts and business acumen, the company faced critical financial challenges, with its stock funding and overdraft limits fully utilised. The banking partner was on the verge of withdrawing their facilities, placing immense pressure on the organisation.

The Challenge

The founder’s vision for growth had led to an impressive but precarious operational stance. The business was trading at maximum stock capacity, which hindered its cash flow and increased the risk of insolvency. In light of these pressing challenges, the bank’s potential withdrawal of support necessitated immediate intervention.


Recognising the urgency, I was engaged as an advisor to the founder and CEO, also acting as the Chief Restructuring Officer. My first course of action was to meet directly with the bank to address their concerns and outline a plan for business recovery. I proposed a comprehensive business review aimed at reducing the bank’s exposure while improving the financial health of the business.

Strategic Implementation

  1. Business Review: I conducted a thorough analysis of the company’s operations, financials, and market positioning to identify key areas for improvement.
  2. Headcount Reduction: To streamline operations and reduce overheads, I recommended a strategic reduction in headcount. This was carefully executed to maintain morale and ensure operational efficiency.
  3. Cash Preservation Initiatives: Implementing cash-preserving measures was crucial. I introduced cost-saving initiatives across various departments, focusing on non-essential expenditures.
  4. Stock Reduction and Liquidation: An aggressive stock reduction strategy was employed, including liquidation of slow-moving inventory. This not only improved cash flow but also eliminated the need for stock facilities, significantly easing financial pressure.


The implemented strategies led to a remarkable turnaround. Within two years, the business operated successfully without requiring stock facilities or an overdraft. In fact, we managed to generate significant cash reserves, thus stabilising the financial standing of the company.

The successful restructuring also facilitated re-banking the business, establishing a robust partnership with new financial institutions. Ultimately, the business was positioned for a successful exit, allowing the founder to realise the full value of his hard work.

Client Testimonials

The success of this engagement was evidenced by the testimonials received from both a legal advisor and a banking professional, highlighting the collaborative and effective approach taken throughout the process.

Ted Flannigan, Director – Gosschalks Solicitors
“I have worked with Trevor for at least 15 years as a solicitor specialising in Employment Law. During that time, I have assisted him whilst he has been in a variety of roles in different organisations – across several different industry sectors. Notwithstanding that, on each occasion Trevor was in the position where the ‘buck stopped’ with him and he was having to make difficult decisions which had real-life implications for real people working in those organisations. I do, of course, provide such advice to all manner of employers at different levels and in different areas of industry and Trevor I find is not one to ever lose sight of what those decisions are going to mean for people. He is also, I should say, not someone who simply seeks to have his already firmly-held decision rubber-stamped or to have me simply put a legal gloss on a course of action already decided upon. He takes the time to listen and is always interested not just to know the legalities but also my experience of other such scenarios. I think to his credit he always addresses matters with an open mind – even though I know sometimes he is under the sort of pressure that many find difficult to deal with. I would also add, insofar as it is relevant or otherwise, that I have always enjoyed my dealings with him.”

Andrew Russell, Regional Director – Santander Corporate Banking
“As a banking professional with over 22 years of experience, it is refreshing to work with a senior executive who knows what they want from bank facilities and what us bankers require to deliver that. Motivated, direct, and without any edge, Trevor laid out what was needed, enabling us to establish a comfortable working relationship quickly.”


This case study exemplifies the importance of strategic intervention in crisis situations. Through collaborative efforts, focused decision-making, and an unwavering commitment to the company’s success, I was able to guide the online sports retailer towards a sustainable future. The journey not only underscored the resilience of the founder but also highlighted the value of effective restructuring in turning around distressed businesses.

Assessing Product Viability for Follow on Funding

Case Study: Assessing the Viability of SatCase’s Communications Platform

Background: SatCase, a technology company aiming to combine multiple communication technologies into a single platform, had attracted investment from a small group of private equity (PE) investors. The core product, SATcase™, sought to integrate smartphone technology with global satellite communications, addressing gaps in mobile coverage for industries like oil and gas, emergency services, and adventurers​. Despite the promise of the concept, the project was severely behind schedule, having already gone through three revisions to its plan. Investors grew concerned and requested my assessment of both the project’s roadmap and the ability of the engineering team to deliver.

Challenges: The SatCase project was complex, involving multiple suppliers and technological relationships, including critical partnerships with satellite technology providers like Iridium. The engineering team was highly specialised but was clearly struggling to meet deadlines. This was partly due to the innovative nature of the product, which involved integrating several technologies in a way that had not been done before. The team had been revising the plan in an attempt to accommodate technical difficulties, but it became evident that they were not on track to deliver.

Assessment: After reviewing the revised project plan, it was apparent that while the SATcase™ product had commercial potential, there was a significant risk that the innovation required to bring it to market would be too great. The engineering challenges had been underestimated, and the likelihood of further delays and cost overruns was high. I advised the investors that although the market potential for the product was strong, the risk of the technology being non-viable or too costly to complete was substantial.

Investor Decision: Despite my cautionary advice, the investors decided to back the project one final time, albeit with the condition that I would oversee the project as an interim manager to focus on delivery. I accepted the role but maintained that, at best, the project had a 50/50 chance of success due to the technical hurdles involved.

Outcome: Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, the project was not completed. The technical issues proved insurmountable within the given timeframe and budget. When the time came for investors to decide whether to fund another round, I advised against it. My recommendation was based on the mounting evidence that while the concept was solid, the execution was proving too complex and costly.

Strategic Pivot: While a large contingent of shareholders considered further investment, my independent and trusted advice led some investors to pivot their strategy. Recognising that the SatCase project was unlikely to yield a return, they opted to merge the investment vehicle with an alternative opportunity. This pivot allowed them to make the most of the existing investment framework, redirecting resources toward a more viable venture. By doing so, they preserved the value of the initial investment and positioned themselves for future growth, mitigating the potential loss from the failed SatCase project.

Investor Feedback:

James Eden, Private Equity Investor – Eden Capital
“I have nothing but positives to say about Trevor. So professional, hard-working, and great support to me not just business-wise but also on a personal level. Honest, reliable, and trustworthy, a true gent. I would absolutely recommend Trevor.”

Geoff Broomhead, Private Equity Investor & Business Angel
“I have known and worked with Trevor for 5 years. His ability to think through problems logically and break down complex issues into manageable bite sizes is excellent. His honesty and probity are undoubted, and his would be amongst the first names on my dream management team-sheet.”

Conclusion: Though the SatCase project did not achieve the desired outcome, my role in overseeing its final phase and providing trusted advice allowed investors to pivot and merge the investment vehicle with a more promising opportunity. This strategic shift ultimately preserved the value of their investment, highlighting the importance of recognising when to cut losses and pursue alternative paths. The case serves as a reminder that while technological innovation is exciting, it must be balanced with sound investment judgment and a willingness to adapt when necessary.

Operational Review – Manufacturing & Distribution

Note on Confidentiality

Disclaimer: “MediCorp Manufacturing Ltd” is a fictitious name used to maintain confidentiality. However, the content of this case study is based on actual events and experiences encountered during an operational assessment for a private equity firm. References are available upon request.

Case Study: Operational Assessment of MediCorp Manufacturing Ltd


After an initial investment in MediCorp Manufacturing Ltd, a mid-sized manufacturing and distribution business, the private equity (PE) firm noticed a troubling trend: the company was stalling in its growth, and the investment thesis, which had promised significant returns, was not being realised. 

The company’s banker was also growing concerned, particularly as the business was forecasting that it would not meet its banking covenants. Considering these developments, the PE firm recognised the need for an operational assessment to uncover the underlying issues and to develop a strategic plan to get back on track.

As a by-product of the findings within the report, the PE director and I recognised the importance of meeting with the bank. To address the bank’s concerns, I accompanied the PE firm’s portfolio director to meet with them. During this meeting, I reassured them that if we implemented the necessary changes based on my findings, we could stabilise the business and get back on the right track. This engagement successfully settled the bank’s concerns, reinforcing their confidence in our ability to address the challenges.


The primary aim of the operational assessment was to identify the reasons behind the stall in growth and the failure to meet the investment thesis. 

The evaluation focused on:

  • Evaluating the management team’s effectiveness and alignment with the business plan.
  • Assessing operational capacity and efficiency.
  • Identifying cash flow risks and developing mitigation strategies.
  • Reviewing succession plans for key personnel.
  • Understanding the company culture and identifying cultural architects.

Assessment Process

The operational assessment was structured into several critical components:

  1. Management Team Evaluation:
  2. Leadership Capability: Analysed the management team’s experience, skills, and track record in executing the business strategy. Interviews with team members helped gauge their commitment and clarity of vision.
  3. Business Plan Alignment: Reviewed the existing business plan to determine if it was still relevant and whether the management team was effectively executing it.
  4. Operational Capacity Review:
  5. Resource Assessment: Evaluated the operational infrastructure, including technology, workforce, and processes, to determine whether the company could scale operations and meet market demand.
  6. Process Efficiency: Conducted a detailed audit of operational processes to identify inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and improvement areas that might hinder growth.
  7. Financial Analysis:
  8. Cash Flow Assessment: Reviewed historical cash flow data to identify discrepancies and potential risks affecting the company’s financial health.
  9. Mitigation Strategies: Developed recommendations to improve cash flow management, including better credit control measures and cost reduction tactics.
  10. Succession Planning:
  11. Critical Personnel Identification: Identified crucial roles within the company that were essential for operational continuity and growth.
  12. Readiness for Transition: Assessed the current state of succession planning, focusing on whether suitable candidates could step into critical roles if needed.
  13. Cultural Assessment:
  14. Cultural Health: Evaluated the organisational culture to understand how it was affecting performance and employee morale.
  15. Cultural Architects: Identified key individuals who significantly shaped the company culture and whose retention was vital for maintaining organisational knowledge and motivation.

Practical Action-Oriented Report

The output of the operational assessment was an efficient, action-oriented report that outlined clear steps for improvement and provided a roadmap for recovery. This report was a foundational document, guiding the interim leadership team to realign the company with its strategic goals.



  • Experienced Leadership: The management team possessed substantial industry experience and a clear understanding of the manufacturing landscape, which should have positioned the company for success.
  • Operational Framework: Existing processes were generally efficient, indicating a solid operational foundation that could be leveraged for growth.


  • Ineffective Finance Team: A fragile finance team was found to be ill-equipped to manage cash flow and control spending. This lack of financial oversight posed significant risks to the company’s sustainability.
  • Founder and CEO’s Absence: Despite initial perceptions that the founder and CEO was a driving force behind the business, it became clear that he was largely absent, leaving the middle management team to navigate operations. His lack of presence contributed to uncertainty and inconsistency within the leadership structure.
  • Demotivated Leadership: The founder’s demotivation negatively impacted the management team. Although he spoke knowledgeably about the business, he did not put in the necessary effort or attendance to inspire others. His disengagement fostered a culture of apathy, leading to a decline in morale across the organisation.
  • Misguided Recruitment Strategy: The CEO had ostensibly recruited a large and expensive management team to compensate for his shortcomings. However, this decision proved counterproductive, as the recruited individuals were not given the necessary direction or support to thrive, further complicating operational challenges.


  • Dependency on Key Individuals: The company’s reliance on a few key personnel posed a significant risk, as their potential departure could further exacerbate operational challenges.
  • Cash Flow Vulnerabilities: Historical analysis showed signs of cash flow strain, with several factors contributing to unpredictable financial performance.


  • Market Expansion: The assessment identified untapped market segments that could provide avenues for growth, suggesting that with proper execution, there was still significant potential to realise the original investment thesis.
  • Process Optimisation: Streamlining operational processes could lead to improved efficiency and cost savings, facilitating quicker response times to market demands.

Original Investment Thesis

The original investment thesis for MediCorp Manufacturing Ltd was sound, based on solid market growth projections and the company’s potential operational capabilities. However, these capabilities were not aligned with reality, primarily due to leadership shortcomings and operational mismanagement. Had the operational capacity been what the PE firm had initially believed, the company would likely have been on a much different trajectory.

Interim Leadership and Implementation

Trevor was asked to support and coach the CEO in implementing a business improvement plan. However, the PE firm and the CEO faced significant challenges due to other shareholder matters outside of our involvement. Consequently, the CEO stepped down, and Trevor was subsequently asked to take over as the interim CEO.

In this role, Trevor enacted the plan, stabilised the business, and appointed a new permanent CEO. This transition was crucial in restoring confidence among the team and aligning the company’s operations with its strategic goals.


With these changes, MediCorp Manufacturing Ltd is now back on track and thriving. The company has regained momentum in its growth trajectory and established a healthier organisational culture and operational efficiency. The new leadership team has successfully aligned the company’s operational capabilities with the original investment thesis, demonstrating the potential that initially attracted the PE firm’s investment.


The operational assessment of MediCorp Manufacturing Ltd highlighted several critical areas that needed attention to reverse the trend of stagnation and better align the company with the original investment thesis. 

Although the assessment was initiated after the initial investment, the findings underscored the importance of conducting similar evaluations earlier in the investment process. 

Importantly, the assessment also reassured the bank of the steps to stabilise the business, especially given the company’s forecast that it would not meet its banking covenants. 

The insights gained provided a roadmap for the PE firm to support MediCorp Manufacturing Ltd in overcoming its challenges and leveraging its strengths to achieve sustainable growth. 

This experience is a valuable lesson for future investments, reinforcing the necessity of thorough operational assessments to ensure alignment with strategic goals and maximise the potential for successful outcomes.

Operational Assessment for potential acquisition


Scope: Operational Assessment for Potential Acquisition

A well-established business with a strong market presence, was being considered for acquisition. The current owners had played a significant role in the success of the business, having nurtured key client relationships, driven product innovation, and overseen critical strategic partnerships. With the owners planning to exit the business within three months post-acquisition, our client (PE Firm) was concerned about the operational continuity and the risk of losing key relationships that had been instrumental in the company’s performance.


The operational assessment needed to address the following key challenges:

  1. Succession Planning for Leadership: The senior leadership team, closely tied to the outgoing owners, would need to be replaced either from internal talent or through external recruitment. The concern was whether the business could sustain performance with new leadership and whether internal talent was ready to step into senior roles.
  2. Client Relationship Dependency: Many key client relationships were personally managed by the owners, leading to concerns that the clients’ loyalty might be tied to these personal connections. If these relationships were not smoothly transitioned, the business could face significant revenue losses.
  3. Product Development and IP Risks: The owners had played a direct role in product strategy and innovation. There were concerns about whether the business could maintain its competitive edge in the market without the owners’ leadership. Additionally, there were questions around intellectual property (IP) ownership and the management of key licenses.
  4. Strategic Partnerships: The business had established strong partnerships with suppliers and collaborators, some of which were based on personal relationships with the owners. Ensuring these partnerships remained intact during and after the leadership transition was critical to avoiding operational disruption.


To address these challenges, we conducted a comprehensive operational assessment, focusing on succession planning, leadership gaps, and the potential impact of the owners’ departure on key business relationships and processes.

  1. Succession Planning and Leadership Transition:
    • Internal Talent Assessment: We evaluated the potential of internal leadership candidates to step into senior roles. While some promising talent existed, it was clear that external hires would be needed to fill critical gaps, particularly in strategic roles like Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Operating Officer (COO).
    • Leadership Development: A recommendation was made to immediately start leadership development programmes for internal candidates while simultaneously initiating a search for external talent to ensure a seamless leadership transition.
  2. Client Relationship Risk Mitigation:
    • Client Relationship Mapping: We created a map of key client relationships, identifying which relationships were directly managed by the owners. The findings showed that a significant percentage of revenue came from clients with a personal connection to the owners.
    • Transition Plan for Clients: A phased transition plan was developed, pairing existing account managers with owners during the final three months to ensure that clients felt supported during the transition. Communication strategies were designed to reassure clients of business continuity and maintain their trust.
  3. Product Development and IP Strategy:
    • Innovation Continuity: We assessed the strength of the research and development (R&D) teams and recommended the recruitment of a new head of product development to ensure ongoing innovation. This role would replace the direct oversight that the owners had historically provided.
    • IP and Licensing Review: An intellectual property review confirmed that key patents and licenses were owned by the business rather than the individuals, ensuring continuity post-acquisition. However, a strategy was implemented to ensure that the new leadership was equipped to manage and renew licensing agreements without disruption.
  4. Strategic Partnership Stability:
    • Supplier and Partner Risk Assessment: We evaluated key supplier and partner relationships, identifying where the owners had personal influence. While most partnerships were based on formal agreements, some key partnerships required a personal touch.
    • Partnership Transition Plan: A strategy was developed to introduce new leadership to key partners, ensuring a smooth handover and preserving favourable terms. Where necessary, contractual renegotiations were planned to formalise relationships beyond personal ties.


By focusing on a comprehensive approach to succession planning and mitigating the risks associated with the owners’ departure, our client was able to:

  • Successfully Transition Leadership: A blend of internal promotions and external hires ensured that the leadership transition occurred smoothly, with minimal disruption to operations.
  • Preserve Key Client Relationships: The phased transition plan ensured that client relationships remained stable. Clients were reassured of the business’s continuity, and no major contracts were lost during the leadership transition.
  • Maintain Product Innovation: With a new head of product development and a well-supported R&D team, the business continued to innovate and stay competitive in the market.
  • Safeguard Strategic Partnerships: Key supplier and partner relationships were preserved, and favourable terms were maintained even after the owners exited.

Lessons Learned

  • Early Succession Planning is Critical: Addressing leadership gaps early, through a mix of internal development and external recruitment, can mitigate the risk of operational disruption.
  • Client Relationships Must Be Transitioned Carefully: When owners play a pivotal role in client management, early engagement with clients and clear communication are essential to preserving revenue streams.
  • Product and IP Continuity Requires Proactive Leadership: Ensuring that the right team is in place to manage product development and IP is vital for long-term competitiveness.
  • Personal Relationships in Partnerships Need Formalisation: Relying on personal relationships with partners and suppliers can be a risk. Formalising these relationships through contracts ensures business stability.