78 % of Sales & Marketing Teams Fail to Collaborate: A Strategic Imperative for HR Leaders

78% of Sales & Marketing Teams Fail to Collaborate: A Strategic Imperative for HR

As a senior HR professional, you understand the intricate dynamics that drive organisational success. The synergy between teams is paramount, and nowhere is this more crucial than in the alignment between sales and marketing. This alignment, or lack thereof, can significantly impact business performance, employee morale, and overall strategic objectives.

In a recent scenario, I attended a meeting that seemed poised to bridge the gap between sales and marketing strategies. A seasoned marketing manager and her team led the discussion, focusing on marketing metrics and digital strategy. The objective was to finalise the quarter’s marketing budget, yet noticeably absent were the voices of our sales team. This absence underscored a critical issue: the disconnect between marketing activities and sales outcomes.

The Metrics Conundrum: A Symptom of Misalignment

Throughout the meeting, the conversation revolved around digital metrics—website traffic, engagement rates, SEO standings, and keyword rankings. These are undeniably crucial in today’s digital landscape, where businesses strive to capture consumer attention amidst a sea of online content. However, what became apparent was the singular focus on these metrics to the exclusion of other vital aspects. When I inquired about the budget allocation and its alignment with our overarching goal of driving sales appointments, the response was revealing: the lion’s share would be directed towards content creation and link building.

While these strategies are essential for building an online presence, the emphasis on traffic growth without a clear plan for attracting the “right” traffic missed the core purpose of marketing—to facilitate sales opportunities. This disconnect was further highlighted when the team could not definitively attribute sales to their previous quarter’s marketing efforts. This lack of clarity is symptomatic of a broader issue that HR leaders must address: the need for alignment between marketing metrics and sales realities.

Why HR Should Care About Sales and Marketing Alignment

As HR leaders, our role extends beyond talent management; we are stewards of organisational culture and performance. When sales and marketing teams operate in silos, it creates a fragmented organisational culture that can lead to disjointed strategies and missed opportunities. This misalignment affects not only the bottom line but also employee engagement and morale.

The lack of alignment between sales and marketing is not just a departmental issue; it’s an organisational challenge. Research from Marketo shows that only 22% of businesses report alignment between their marketing and sales teams. This misalignment can lead to conflicting priorities, where marketing efforts do not effectively support sales objectives, ultimately impacting revenue growth.

A Practical Example: Bridging the Gap

Let’s consider a practical example of how a minor shift in focus could change the tone of a marketing meeting. Suppose the objective is to determine the budget needed to sell 100 units of a product. By understanding the demo-to-sale conversion rate, click-through rate (CTR), and conversion rate from website visitors to demo sign-ups, we can calculate the necessary traffic and associated costs.

This approach shifts the focus from abstract metrics like traffic growth to concrete metrics directly correlating with sales outcomes. By incorporating this calculation into planning, marketing efforts become more strategically aligned with sales goals, ensuring that every pound spent on marketing drives revenue.

The HR Leader’s Role in Fostering Alignment

As HR leaders, we play a crucial role in fostering a culture of collaboration between sales and marketing teams. This involves several key actions:

Encouraging Cross-Functional Collaboration: HR can facilitate regular joint meetings between sales and marketing teams, ensuring that both sides have a voice in strategic discussions.

Investing in Training and Development: Providing training that focuses on understanding the customer journey, data analytics, and the importance of alignment can empower both teams to work towards shared objectives.

Promoting a Data-Driven Culture: HR can champion the use of data analytics to track the effectiveness of marketing efforts in driving sales, ensuring that decisions are based on tangible outcomes rather than vanity metrics.

Aligning Incentives: Consider aligning the incentives of sales and marketing teams to reinforce the importance of collaboration. When both teams are rewarded based on shared success metrics, the motivation to work together increases.

Case Study: The Impact of Alignment

Consider the case of a B2B software company that realised its marketing efforts were not translating into sales. By incorporating sales team feedback and shifting focus from pure traffic metrics to lead quality and sales conversions, they achieved a 30% increase in qualified leads and a 20% boost in sales within six months. This example highlights the universal importance of aligning marketing efforts with sales objectives, a lesson that HR leaders can help embed across the organisation.

Conclusion: A Call to Action for HR Leaders

In conclusion, the alignment between sales and marketing is not just a tactical necessity; it is a strategic imperative that HR leaders must champion. By fostering collaboration, promoting a data-driven approach, and aligning incentives, HR can play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between these critical functions. This, in turn, drives sustainable growth and enhances organisational performance.

Recommendation for HR Leaders

If you are a Head of HR or a senior HR leader, consider attending your next marketing meeting. Your presence could provide valuable insights into how well these teams are aligned and where there may be opportunities to enhance collaboration and drive better business outcomes. By doing so, you position HR as a key player in the organisation’s strategic success.


These sources provide the foundational statistics and insights used to highlight the disconnect between marketing metrics and sales realities, the importance of aligning marketing and sales teams, and the broader implications for business growth.

  1. HubSpot – Proving ROI Challenge
  2. Marketo – Alignment between Marketing and Sales Teams
  3. Ascend2 – Importance of Understanding Customer Journey
  4. SiriusDecisions – Impact of Aligned Organisations on Revenue Growth

About the Author

Trevor is the Managing Partner of NorthCo, a fellow of the Institute of the Motor Industry and a member of the Institute of Interim Management. Trevor is a respected C-Suite leader, Chairman and professional Interim Leader. For over a decade, he has provided interim leadership solutions to private equity, venture capital, and asset-backed firms. Whether it’s to stabilise a business during a turbulent trading period, fill a temporary skills gap or support a management team to navigate challenging situations, Trevor’s wealth of experience and proven track record in delivering value creation and retention plans demonstrate his ability to lead and support operational management teams effectively. To find out more about his approach, explore his LinkedIn profile and read what others say about Trevor.