Executive & Team Coaching

Coaching Success at The Insurance Surgery

Case Study: Coaching Success at The Insurance Surgery


The Insurance Surgery is a dynamic company in the insurance sector, focused on delivering high-quality insurance solutions tailored to the needs of its clients. During a pivotal phase in its growth trajectory, Tom, the CEO, sought the support of an executive coach to navigate the challenges ahead. He turned to Trevor, an experienced leadership coach known for his immersive coaching style and ability to drive performance improvements.

Coaching Engagement

Tom began working with Trevor over three years ago, recognising the need for guidance in several areas of his leadership journey. Their engagement centred on a thorough understanding of the business, its operational metrics, and the development of a growth-oriented culture within the organisation.

Key Areas of Focus:

  1. Understanding the Business: Trevor made it a priority to immerse himself in The Insurance Surgery’s operations. He invested time in understanding the nuances of the business, identifying critical metrics, and determining ways to enhance performance.
  2. Performance Improvement: With a clear understanding of the company’s key metrics, Trevor worked with Tom to develop strategies aimed at elevating performance across the board. His approach involved challenging Tom to think critically about current practices while encouraging innovative solutions.
  3. Personal Development: Recognising Tom’s occasional struggles with self-belief, Trevor focused on fostering confidence in his leadership abilities. This personal development aspect was crucial, as it empowered Tom to lead the business effectively and decisively.

Challenges and Solutions

Throughout their coaching relationship, there were moments of disagreement on certain challenges presented by Trevor. However, these discussions became opportunities for constructive dialogue, allowing Tom to see different perspectives. This balance of challenge and support proved instrumental in fostering a robust working relationship.

Key Strategies Implemented:

  • Constructive Dialogue: Trevor facilitated open conversations, allowing Tom to express his thoughts while guiding him to consider alternative viewpoints.
  • Performance Metrics: Together, they established a framework for monitoring performance metrics, ensuring alignment with the company’s strategic goals.
  • Culture of Growth: Trevor’s emphasis on creating a culture that prioritises growth and performance not only motivated Tom but also inspired the entire team at The Insurance Surgery.


The partnership between Tom and Trevor yielded remarkable results, both for Tom personally and for The Insurance Surgery as a whole.

  1. Increased Confidence: Tom experienced a significant boost in his self-belief, enabling him to take bold decisions that drove the business forward.
  2. Business Growth: Under Tom’s renewed leadership and with Trevor’s support, The Insurance Surgery achieved substantial growth over the three years, evidenced by improved performance metrics and a stronger market presence.
  3. Enhanced Company Culture: The emphasis on continuous improvement and performance enhancement led to a vibrant culture at The Insurance Surgery, characterised by collaboration, innovation, and resilience.


Tom’s journey with Trevor as his executive coach exemplifies the transformative power of effective coaching in a business context. By immersing himself in the company’s operations, challenging assumptions, and fostering personal growth, Trevor played a pivotal role in Tom’s development as a leader. The Insurance Surgery not only thrived under Tom’s leadership but also established a culture of excellence that will continue to drive its success in the future.

As Tom reflects on his coaching experience, he attributes a significant part of his growth and the company’s achievements to Trevor’s guidance: “Trevor has always taken the time to understand the business, what makes it work, and what we can do to improve it. He has helped me lead the business to the growth we have seen over the past three years.”

This case study underscores the importance of tailored coaching in fostering both individual and organisational success, illustrating how a strong coaching relationship can lead to profound and lasting change.

Coaching the Group CEO of the British Enterprise Fund

Client: Steven Waud, Group Chief Executive – British Enterprise Fund


Steven Waud, the Group CEO of the British Enterprise Fund, had already overseen massive growth under his stewardship, positioning the organisation as a key financial player supporting businesses across the UK. However, with an even more ambitious expansion plan on the horizon, new challenges arose. Balancing the diverse priorities of key stakeholders—ranging from government bodies and investors to the businesses receiving funding—was becoming increasingly complex. Additionally, the internal team, though highly skilled, was not fully aligned to effectively deliver on these ambitious goals. Recognising the need for external insight, Steven sought out my coaching services to help sharpen his leadership approach and ensure the team’s focus on the organisation’s next phase of growth.


  • Aligning the Leadership Team: Steven wanted to bring his team onto the same page, ensuring every member understood and bought into the ambitious growth objectives.
  • Balancing Stakeholder Expectations: Given the complexity of the stakeholder landscape, he needed a strategy to effectively manage varying and often competing interests, while maintaining the organisation’s momentum.
  • Accountability for Execution: There was a pressing need to create a culture of ownership and accountability, driving the team towards decisive action and results.


1. Leadership Alignment: Our first priority was to get the leadership team aligned around a unified vision. I conducted facilitated planning sessions where the leadership team was encouraged to articulate the Fund’s long-term goals and the specific milestones required to achieve them. These sessions helped crystallise the key priorities and assigned clear responsibilities to each leader, ensuring no ambiguity in their roles.

One of the most valuable exercises was mapping out the team’s interdependencies, clarifying how each division’s work impacted the overall objectives. This broke down silos and established a stronger sense of collaboration.

2. Managing Stakeholder Priorities: To balance stakeholder expectations, I worked closely with Steven to prioritise and categorise each stakeholder group based on their influence and interest in the Fund’s goals. We developed a communication strategy for each group, ensuring consistent and tailored messaging. This strategic communication not only helped manage expectations but also garnered stronger support from key players.

Steven also realised that it wasn’t just about keeping stakeholders satisfied, but about actively engaging them as partners in the growth journey. Together, we created engagement plans that went beyond status updates—initiating collaborative sessions with stakeholders to co-create solutions, building deeper trust and buy-in.

3. Building Accountability within the Team: To ensure that the ambitious growth plan moved from theory to execution, we instituted a robust system of accountability. I introduced a ‘Mission-Focused Leadership’ approach, where team members were empowered but also held accountable for their respective areas. Weekly reviews, clear metrics for success, and open forums for feedback created a more transparent, results-driven environment.

Steven’s leadership style also shifted during this time. He became more focused on performance management—giving praise where due but also addressing issues quickly and constructively. This sharpened focus allowed his team to act with greater urgency, ensuring that the organisation hit critical milestones on time.


  • Stronger Team Alignment: The leadership team became far more cohesive, working in unison towards the organisation’s ambitious goals. Through clearer communication and collaboration, they avoided pitfalls that often arise in fast-growing enterprises.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Stakeholder management evolved from being reactive to proactive. The Fund was now seen as a transparent and collaborative partner by government entities, investors, and supported businesses alike. This helped secure further funding and political support for future growth.
  • Accountability Culture: The team became more action-oriented, with each leader owning their part of the plan. Regular progress reviews and a focus on key performance indicators ensured that the organisation stayed on track, even when challenges arose.


“It has been a real pleasure first of all meeting Trevor and secondly engaging and working with him. For an ex-military man he is surprisingly empathetic and perceptive. He is also practical and down to earth and seems to be able to get to the nub of an issue pretty quickly. He doesn’t let you off either, you have to show engagement and action and he will hold you to account. If you can persuade him to coach you, and he is selective, then you have done yourself and your business a favour.”
– Steven Waud, Group Chief Executive, British Enterprise Fund

This engagement not only helped Steven and his team align more effectively, but also provided them with a solid framework for executing their ambitious growth plans.

Aligning a KPMG Leadership Team Around a Joint Mission

Client Overview: KPMG UK

KPMG UK, led by a senior executive managing a business composed of several units, found itself in a challenging position. Despite having a team of highly intelligent and capable leaders, they struggled to unite these individuals around a clear, cohesive mission. The lack of alignment meant that while each member contributed significantly, the team wasn’t functioning as a focused, cohesive unit. This resulted in underperformance and missed opportunities for growth across key business units.

The Challenge:

  • Lack of Unified Direction: Although the team was filled with bright, high-performing individuals, they lacked a shared sense of purpose and focus.
  • Limited Accountability: With no clear joint mission, team members were operating in silos, with limited accountability towards collective goals.
  • Suboptimal Performance: This misalignment led to inconsistent performance across business units, preventing KPMG UK from reaching its full profit potential.

Engaging Trev:

The executive at KPMG UK had heard about Trevor’s success in similar businesses and decided to approach him for assistance. Trevor was brought in with a clear mandate: align the leadership team around a shared mission and drive accountability to enhance performance and profitability.

The Solution:

Over a period of six months, Trevor implemented a structured and multi-faceted approach to address the leadership challenges:

  • Strategy Events: Trevor facilitated several in-depth strategy sessions designed to bring the leadership team together. During these events, he guided the team through exercises aimed at clarifying and solidifying KPMG UK’s mission. These sessions helped team members understand their collective purpose and individual roles within the larger vision.
  • Team Alignment: Using his ‘Mission Focused Leadership’ framework, Trevor worked to align the leadership team around clear, shared objectives. He emphasised the importance of working towards a joint mission, where each leader understood how their actions contributed to the overall success of KPMG UK.
  • Performance Reviews: Trevor organised and attended regular performance reviews to ensure ongoing accountability. These sessions provided a structured environment where progress against key performance indicators (KPIs) was measured, and any misalignments or challenges were addressed in real-time.
  • Strategic Guidance: Throughout the engagement, Trevor provided consistent strategic oversight. He helped the team navigate complex business decisions, stay focused on their objectives, and address operational challenges as they arose.

The Results:

By the end of the six-month engagement, the results were transformative:

  • Improved Team Alignment: The leadership team was now working together towards a clearly defined mission, with a shared understanding of their goals and responsibilities.
  • Enhanced Accountability: Each team member was accountable for specific KPIs directly linked to the company’s overarching mission. This clarity significantly improved focus and performance across the team.
  • Profit Growth: The most critical outcome was a significant improvement in profitability across the participating business units. With the team working in unison, KPMG UK was able to capitalise on new opportunities and operate more efficiently.

Client Testimonial:

“My team consists of some very bright, highly intelligent individuals, but I was struggling to get them all focused upon a joint mission. I had seen some of the results Trev was achieving in similar businesses, so I approached him. He ran several team events for me over six months, focusing my team’s minds on our mission, attending regular performance reviews, and strategy sessions. We had great success with this approach, resulting in a much more aligned and accountable leadership team with clear KPIs. Critically, this resulted in a significant profit improvement across the participating business units. If you want to get your team focused upon a joint mission, I highly recommend you consider using Trev to support you.”
— Mike Linter, Global Head of Tax and Legal Services UK and Vice Chair, KPMG UK


Trevor’s intervention provided the structured support and strategic clarity the leadership team at KPMG UK needed to align themselves with the organisation’s mission. By focusing on accountability, team alignment, and consistent performance management, Trevor helped the client achieve significant profit improvements and a more cohesive leadership team. His approach serves as a powerful case study for any business looking to align high-performing individuals towards a common goal.

Coaching an Ocean Rowing Team for the World’s Toughest Row

Case Study: Coaching an Ocean Rowing Team for the World’s Toughest Row – New York to London


I was approached by an ocean rowing team preparing to tackle the world’s toughest row, a gruelling 3,700-mile journey from New York to London. The team, consisting of four highly motivated athletes, were determined to push their limits in what would be one of the most physically and mentally demanding challenges of their lives. While they had no shortage of drive and individual capability, it became apparent early on that their ability to function effectively as a unit under extreme conditions needed refinement. My role as their coach was to enhance their team dynamics, particularly how they communicated and responded to adversity during the row.

Initial Assessment

The team members each had strong personal motivations for taking on the row, ranging from testing their physical endurance to raising awareness for environmental causes. However, there was little emphasis on the collective “why” — the shared purpose that would unify them when the inevitable storms, exhaustion, and mental strain would arise. Furthermore, while they were resilient as individuals, their approach to team communication and crisis response under duress was not well-structured. Left unaddressed, these gaps could result in internal conflict, poor decision-making, and, in extreme cases, dangerous situations.

Coaching Approach

1. Establishing a Shared Purpose To create cohesion, we worked intensively on aligning the team’s personal motivations into a collective “why.” This involved discussions on what the success of this journey would mean, not just for them individually, but as a team. Through guided reflection sessions, the team developed a collective vision: they would not just cross the Atlantic to break records or make a statement, but to symbolise resilience, teamwork, and the power of human connection. This unified vision became the foundation of their mental preparation. It would serve as a compass during the most challenging moments, helping to defuse potential conflict and reinforce their commitment to each other.

2. Scenario Planning for Crisis Situations The ocean is an unpredictable environment, and we knew the team would face numerous challenges, from physical exhaustion and dehydration to dangerous weather conditions and technical malfunctions. We devised a comprehensive series of scenario-based drills designed to simulate difficult circumstances the team might encounter. Some of these included:

  • Equipment failure in rough seas.
  • Medical emergencies, such as seasickness or injury.
  • Navigational errors due to fatigue or loss of focus.
  • Prolonged periods of adverse weather, such as storms or unrelenting headwinds.

In each scenario, the team was trained not just to respond practically, but to focus on how they communicated and made decisions under pressure. Clear, concise communication protocols were established to ensure that no matter how tired or stressed they were, they would have a structured way to address and resolve crises.

3. Developing Team Communication Under Stress Through our coaching sessions, we practised various communication techniques designed for extreme environments. The key was to help the team express concerns, frustrations, or suggestions without letting emotions take over. I introduced a “signal system,” a method where, in moments of heightened stress, team members could give clear non-verbal signals to indicate their emotional or physical state without interrupting critical tasks. This method would allow them to acknowledge issues without derailing focus, creating a balanced approach to managing stress.

Additionally, we worked on structured debriefs after each training row. In these debriefs, we focused on what went well, what could be improved, and how the team could better support one another moving forward. The goal was to create a space for honest, constructive feedback while reinforcing the idea that criticism was not personal but a vital part of collective growth.

4. Mental Resilience and Personal Responsibility Each member of the team had their own mental challenges to overcome. For some, it was managing anxiety about the unknown; for others, it was about staying focused during moments of extreme fatigue. We worked on developing individual strategies for coping with stress and exhaustion, such as mindfulness techniques, breathing exercises, and visualisation of success.

Crucially, I helped the team understand the importance of personal responsibility — how each person’s mental and physical state directly affected the group’s success. This was reinforced with the idea that they were not just rowing for themselves but for each other. When fatigue or frustration set in, they needed to be able to shift their mindset from “I’m tired” to “I’m tired, but I need to be strong for my team.”

5. Strengthening Conflict Resolution Tactics Given the close quarters and prolonged periods of stress, it was inevitable that disagreements or tensions would arise. My coaching focused on heading off conflict before it could escalate into something detrimental. We implemented a “pause and reflect” technique: when tensions flared, team members would use a pre-agreed signal to call for a brief, silent pause, allowing them to collect their thoughts before responding. This break in action was designed to reduce knee-jerk reactions and give the team time to refocus on their shared objective.


By the time the team was ready to launch their row from New York, they had not only physically prepared but had also transformed into a highly cohesive unit. They had a clear collective purpose, robust communication systems, and had rehearsed responses to various crisis scenarios.

During the row itself, they faced a number of significant challenges, including severe storms and navigational issues that set them back by days. However, their ability to communicate calmly, make decisions collectively, and return to their shared “why” allowed them to overcome these difficulties without significant internal conflict.

Their success was not only a testament to their physical capabilities but to their ability to function as a team under extreme conditions. The principles of clear communication, mental resilience, and shared purpose allowed them to complete the row in record time, earning global recognition for their achievement.


Coaching this ocean rowing team highlighted the critical importance of aligning personal motivations with a collective mission in extreme environments. By developing their communication and conflict resolution skills, and by preparing them for the mental challenges ahead, we turned a group of talented individuals into a unified, resilient team. This journey underscores the idea that even in the most physically demanding endeavours, it is the strength of the team dynamic that ultimately determines success.

Client Testimonial

Trevor was pivotal in the success of our world’s first expedition, rowing from New York to London and our more recent ocean rows. Although I have had motivated and competent teams, Trevor has helped us focus and align our objectives in a way that reduced issues or confrontation onboard and helped us  develop communication skills to discuss our issues in a clear and productive way without recourse or judgement.

Now, prior to any team expedition, I look to Trevor to help me build a team ethos with aligned objectives, helping the team develop ‘off the pitch’ with softer skills. Something we focus on equally as indepth as the physical skill-sets required to successfully complete the expedition.

Matt Mason, Multiple World Record Ocean Rower.

Coaching a Founder to Regain Focus and Direction

Case Study: Coaching a Founder and Triathlete to Regain Focus and Direction Using Mission Focused Leadership

Background: The client, a highly motivated individual balancing leadership responsibilities and his love for triathlon career, themselves increasingly overwhelmed. Managing both professional demands and personal goals had become difficult, leading to a loss of focus, motivation, and balance. The lack of clear structure between their work and personal life, along with unaddressed team performance issues, was affecting both their businesses and personal well-being.


  1. Hectic Schedule: The client was struggling to manage competing priorities in a disorganised way, which left them feeling unproductive and unfocused.
  2. Team Performance Issues: There were team members underperforming or demonstrating negative attitudes, which the client was hesitant to address due to concerns about losing key talent.
  3. Loss of Personal Focus: As a triathlete, personal goals had taken a back seat due to growing work pressure, leaving the client demotivated and burned out.
  4. Blurred Boundaries Between Work and Life: The lack of distinction between work time and personal time meant that they rarely felt mentally recharged or able to fully disconnect from business challenges.

Approach: Mission Focused Leadership and The Time System

To address these issues, I introduced the client to the Mission Focused Leadership framework, and particularly its Time System, which divides a leader’s time into four types of days:

  1. Mission Days: Dedicated to high-level strategy, vision setting, and long-term planning. These days are when leaders focus on mission-critical tasks that push their organisation towards its primary goals.
  2. Operations Days: Days spent managing the daily operations of the business. These are essential for staying connected with the team and handling the key elements of the business that need attention.
  3. Buffer Days: These days allow for managing personal admin, day-to-day tasks, and clearing the mind. They act as a catch-all for handling both personal and professional life’s smaller, yet important, tasks.
  4. Regeneration Days: Completely work-free, regeneration days are for recharging, whether through exercise, hobbies, or family time. These are essential for maintaining physical and mental well-being.

Steps Taken:

  1. Structuring Time for Focus and Recharge: The client adopted the Time System, blocking their calendar into Mission, Operations, Buffer, and Regeneration Days. This structure brought clarity to their week, ensuring they spent focused time on long-term strategic work, while also making room for personal regeneration.
  2. Managing and Motivating Problem Employees: Instead of viewing underperforming employees as a liability, we worked on a strategy to positively motivate and refocus them:
    • Open Communication: The client initiated individual discussions to understand each employee’s challenges, whether personal, professional, or role-related. This helped uncover misalignment between roles and strengths, or even personal struggles that affected their performance.
    • Re-defining Roles: Some employees were struggling with roles that did not fully leverage their strengths. The client redefined job responsibilities to better align with their natural abilities and interests, ensuring a more productive and engaged workforce.
    • Offering Support and Growth Opportunities: Instead of punitive measures, the client focused on supporting their team through training and personal development plans. This empowered employees to improve their performance while feeling valued.
    • Fostering Positive Reinforcement: Small but meaningful incentives—such as public praise, development opportunities, and flexible work arrangements—created a culture of positive reinforcement. This not only motivated employees but also improved overall morale and focus.
  3. Separating Work and Personal Time: Buffer Days provided a structure for handling personal admin and smaller work tasks, while Regeneration Days were dedicated entirely to the client’s personal activities, such as triathlon training. By consciously separating work from personal time, they felt more balanced and rejuvenated.
  4. Strategic Leadership Focus: Mission Days allowed the client to focus on their long-term business goals without getting distracted by daily operations. On Operations Days, they could address urgent business matters, delegate more effectively, and ensure the team ran smoothly without their constant input.


  • Renewed Focus and Energy: By clearly dividing their time between work and personal goals, the client experienced renewed motivation and focus. Triathlon training and family time were no longer overshadowed by work stress, which enhanced their sense of well-being.
  • Improved Team Engagement: The underperforming employees showed marked improvements after receiving clarity on their roles and support for their development. By re-engaging them through positive motivation, the client retained key employees and fostered a more harmonious, productive work environment.
  • Better Leadership Focus: The clear structure of Mission, Operations, Buffer, and Regeneration Days allowed the client to maintain a strategic focus on growing their business, while still having dedicated time for day-to-day operations. This balanced approach improved both their effectiveness as a leader and their overall quality of life.
  • Stronger Work-Life Balance: The client felt more in control of their schedule, with a clear separation between work and personal time. The use of Buffer and Regeneration Days helped them manage the small tasks of life while still ensuring ample time for mental and physical rejuvenation.

Conclusion: The implementation of the Mission Focused Leadership framework and its Time System helped the client regain control of their life, both professionally and personally. By effectively dividing their time into Mission, Operations, Buffer, and Regeneration Days, they were able to focus on high-level strategic work, motivate their team, and reinvigorate their personal passions. As a result, they became a more focused, energised leader, while enjoying a more balanced and fulfilling personal life.