The £84 billion Impact created through a Void in Leadership.

A Void in Leadership is estimated to cost UK business £84 billion annually.


While recent headlines in the UK have been dominated by the new Government’s push to improve productivity, with ministers making high-profile statements, this is not a new phenomenon. Top HR leaders have long been grappling with low productivity, often exacerbated by voids in leadership, and have developed pragmatic strategies to address these gaps.

Despite the buzz around new policies and government initiatives, many businesses have struggled for years to mitigate productivity losses caused by leadership voids. This ongoing challenge highlights the need for the Government to draw inspiration from the approaches of successful business leaders and learn how to tackle productivity issues effectively.

The Financial Impact of Leadership Voids


Decreased Productivity: Leadership voids lead to significant productivity losses. Without effective leadership, teams lack direction, reducing efficiency and output. Research from the Institute of Leadership & Management suggests poor management costs UK businesses up to £84 billion annually. This figure includes losses from decreased productivity, poor decision-making, and lack of strategic direction.

Employee Morale and Engagement: A lack of leadership can lead to low employee morale and engagement. Employees may feel unsupported and uncertain about their roles, leading to increased turnover and absenteeism. The cost of replacing employees can be high, with estimates suggesting that replacing a manager can cost up to £30,000, factoring in recruitment costs, training, and lost productivity during the transition period.

Operational Disruptions: Leadership voids can disrupt daily operations. Decision-making processes slow down, strategic initiatives stall, and the organisation’s overall efficiency suffers. This can result in missed operational and financial opportunities, affecting the bottom line.


Quantifying the Costs


  • Lost Productivity: If a leadership void results in just a 2% drop in productivity for a business with an annual revenue of £10 million, the loss would be £200,000 annually.
  • Turnover Costs: High turnover rates due to low morale can significantly impact performance. If an organisation has to replace three managers in a year, the cost could be around £90,000 (£30,000 per manager).


Overall Impact


While exact figures can vary, the financial impact of leadership voids is substantial. For medium—to large businesses, this could easily translate into hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of pounds annually. Addressing leadership voids promptly through effective interim management can mitigate these losses and maintain organisational stability.


Understanding the Complexity of Bridging Leadership Voids


HR leaders understand that there is no simple, one-size-fits-all solution to bridging leadership voids. A comprehensive, adaptable, multi-layered approach is required to effectively address the unique challenges each organisation faces. Traditional recruitment firms often fall short in this regard, as they may not possess the specialised expertise needed to navigate the complexities of leadership gaps. Instead, a more nuanced approach is necessary—one that considers the specific needs of the business, the intricacies of the vacant role, and the strategic objectives of the organisation.

The NorthCo Approach to Tackling Leadership Voids


Since 2012, NorthCo has provided Operational Management solutions for businesses where people, specifically management, affect operational productivity and performance. NorthCo’s approach to addressing leadership voids is comprehensive and tailored to each business’s unique needs:

  • Headhunting Replacement Managers

NorthCo excels in headhunting skilled and effective managers who can seamlessly fit into the organisational structure and bring immediate value. By identifying candidates with the right experience and leadership qualities, NorthCo ensures that businesses quickly regain direction and momentum.

  • Interim Management Solutions

During turbulent trading periods or significant organisational changes, NorthCo provides interim management solutions. These interim leaders are equipped to maintain stability, drive performance, and guide the organisation through transitions, ensuring minimal disruption and sustained productivity.

  • Filling Temporary Skills Gaps

For major projects or when specific skills are temporarily unavailable, NorthCo sources professionals to fill these gaps. These individuals bring specialised expertise that ensures projects remain on track and operational goals are achieved without delay.

  • Operational Coaching for New Leaders

NorthCo offers operational coaching to new leaders, ensuring they are well-prepared to take on their roles effectively. This coaching focuses on enhancing leadership skills, strategic thinking, and team management, enabling new leaders to contribute positively from the outset.




The financial impact of leadership voids in UK businesses is significant, with estimated costs reaching £84 billion annually. However, this impact can be mitigated through swift and effective recruitment and interim management solutions. NorthCo’s proven track record in providing operational management solutions highlights the importance of addressing leadership voids promptly to maintain organisational stability, productivity, and performance. By sourcing the right people for the right roles, NorthCo helps businesses navigate challenges and achieve their operational goals.


About the Author

Trevor is the Managing Partner of NorthCo, a fellow of the Institute of the Motor Industry and a member of the Institute of Interim Management. Trevor is a respected C-Suite leader, Chairman and professional Interim Leader. For over a decade, he has provided interim leadership solutions to private equity, venture capital, and asset-backed firms. Whether it’s to stabilise a business during a turbulent trading period, fill a temporary skills gap or support a management team to navigate challenging situations, Trevor’s wealth of experience and proven track record in delivering value creation and retention plans demonstrate his ability to lead and support operational management teams effectively. To find out more about his approach, explore his LinkedIn profile and read what others say about Trevor.